Sadly this happens within mostly every workplace environment. They hired 'friends' from outside, even if they have never been in that position before. All the while they had others equally experienced if not more qualified to fill the position. While I was there working they filled positions from outside 4 different times. I have been in the casino/hospitality business for over 25 years so I am not just throwing words out there. It is mostly a joke when they post and pride themselves by saying they promote from within. They had people in positions that had little to no knowledge of how to manage the department. They didn't take solutions well, and would not consider your input with the exception of airs to show they listened to your complaint, problem, suggestion.
It is easy to get on the managers good side, just do your job, but the management there from bottom to top was no where experienced enough to do their jobs. They have their buddies as with every place of employment.